Oh hey, I’m Joana Rodrigues

Your new go-to friend for money mindset, heart-to-heart talks, inspiration, healthy living, and all those must-have essentials.

I'm all about spreading positive vibes and creating a safe space to talk openly about feelings, insecurities, and the ups and downs of life.

But that's not all! I’m here to help you rock those financial goals, build up a money-smart mindset, and show you that getting that sweet financial freedom is totally achievable. So, let's hop on this journey together – we're diving into a world of positivity, growth, and turning dreams into reality! 😉

By day, I'm crunching numbers as an accountant, but once the sun sets, I transform into a passionate blogger on a mission! I kicked off this blog to be a guiding light for amazing ladies just like you.

I want to remind you of your worth and the importance of going after your dreams!

We'll also pave the way to being financially free, and living the awesome life we've always wanted. 💕

Let's get real, shall we?

Once I started working in an office from 9-5, I quickly realized it was draining my energy and leaving me no time for my health, fitness, and passions. It wasn't just a time issue – it felt like a huge obstacle to my potential, confidence, and dreams.

  • I always had this feeling that I was meant for more than just office life, sitting around all day for a small paycheck. The funny thing is, everyone around me seemed fine with it, which made me feel alone in my thoughts. Ever felt that way too? Like, what's up with me? Why does it all hurt so much? Yeah, I've wondered about that a lot.

  • But you know what? I realized I'm not alone in this. I started saving more money, cutting out unnecessary spending, and investing in things like funds, ETFs, and peer-to-peer platforms that felt secure. I also had this idea to sell digital goods on Etsy – like Instagram stickers and phone wallpapers.

  • I also started investing in myself. Yeah, I know, you hear this a lot, but it's basically about getting better at handling money and improving yourself.

  • I dug into books about achieving financial freedom, self-improvement, and the right mindset. You can find those books here. I took courses and got e-books to up my financial game. 'Cause I'm all about that financial freedom vibe.

  • Over the years, I've learned a lot. While I won't spill the numbers, considering where I started, I've made huge progress, and that taste of financial freedom is just around the corner!

So, here I am, writing this blog to share knowledge, chat about things that matter to you and me, and add some positive vibes. Let's face life head-on and rock it!

Random facts about me :-)

  • I'm a total city girl, but when I'm surrounded by nature, I soak in every second, cherishing its breathtaking beauty.

  • Astrologically speaking, I'm a Cancer sign girl, and I absolutely adore engaging in deep conversations.

  • Can we talk about my obsession with milk coffee? Seriously, I can't live without it.

  • My boyfriend and my adorable cat Elly are my roomies at home.

  • Since starting the cycled ketogenic diet, my overall health has drastically improved, with less acne and weight fluctuations!

  • For me, success isn't just luck or coincidence. It's all about putting in hard work and dedication. Of course, I do have my lazy days too! ;-)